Creepy pick up lines

Latex is only one who can be between us.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: creepy, dirty
Hey, you look like a decent girl who wouldn't sleep with a stranger. So my name is John.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, creepy, dirty
There are many black holes in our galaxy but I wanna know only yours.
You know what would look good on you? Me.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: dirty, creepy
I'm on fire. Can I run through your sprinkler?
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: creepy, dirty, funny
You're so attractive, firefighters have calendars with your pictures in it.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: creepy, funny
Girl, do you have a shovel in your back pocket? Cause I'm digging that ass!"
Do you work at Subway? Cause you made me a foot long.
There are going to be 7 planets left after I destroy your anus.
Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: clean, corny, cute, creepy
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