Funny pick up lines

Your homepage or mine?
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty, funny, nerdy
I might need life alert, because I've fallen in love with you and can't get up.
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: doctor, cheesy, cute, funny
Nice smartphone. It'd look even better in the universal charger on my nightstand.
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, funny
Save water, shower with a friend!
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, funny
Please tell your tits to stop looking at my eyes.
Are you a fireman? Because you came in hot and left me wet.
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty, funny
How do I tell my dog he was adopted?
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: tinder, corny, funny
Kiss me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Bethesda?
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, funny
On a scale of North Korea to America, how free are you tonight?
77.33 % 21 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, funny
Let's play a game...Winner dates loser.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, funny
Pick up lines for

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