Best pick up lines ever

Are you rea-di to do mi?
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: music, corny, cute
Dogs or cats? There is only one right answer.
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cheesy
Hey baby would you like to be my downbeat? I'll always put you first.
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: music, cute
How's about you help me check my dynamic range?
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: music, corny, dirty
Just call me baby, cause I wanna be inside you for the next 9 months.
I'm currently taking applications for a little spoon position. 1-10, how would you rate your cuddling abilities?
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cheesy, cute, dirty
Would you prefer to fight 100 duck size horses or 1 horse size duck?
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cute, funny
Would you like to actively engage in mock procreation?
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty
If you were bubblegum, you'd be babe-a-licious!
77.51 % 17 votes
Pick up line: clean, corny, funny
I don't know if you study the stars, but the odds that you're coming home with me are astronomical.
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