Inappropriate pick up lines

Did you get those yoga pants on sale? Because at my house they're 100% off.
Are you from Japan because I'd like to get in japanties.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: dirty, inappropriate
With guns like these who needs a phaser?
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: dirty, inappropriate
Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see!
I have only three months to live...
If you weren't here I'd be the hottest person in this place.
So, I see you eat with utensils. Well, I've got one that I'm just dying to put in your drawers.
If you were a pair of Nike sneakers, I'd be in and outta you all day.
If you're advertising, I'm buying!
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: dirty, inappropriate
From the moment I saw you, I've had a vertical shaft angle.
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines