Best pick up lines ever

There are only two beautiful girls in the world, and you are both of them.
84.52 % 26 votes
Pick up line: clean, cute, funny
My love is like an exponential curve - it's unbounded.
84.52 % 26 votes
Pick up line: clean, nerdy, math
My Mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it.
84.52 % 26 votes
Pick up line: clean
Date me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Gertrude?
84.52 % 26 votes
Pick up line: clean, cute, funny
I wish I could select all of your clothes and press Delete.
84.52 % 26 votes
Pick up line: engineering, funny, nerdy
That's a nice smile. It'd look better if it was all you were wearing!
83.96 % 25 votes
Pick up line: dirty, cheesy
This must be the 8th castle because I just found my princess.
83.96 % 25 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, science, clean
I'm not perfect. But I'm loyal.
83.96 % 25 votes
Pick up line: clean
My guitar teacher says my fingering is good, especially on the G-string.
83.96 % 25 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty
If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.
83.96 % 25 votes
Pick up line: cute, clean, cheesy
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines