Weird pick up lines

Did you cut my phrenic nerve?...Because baby, you take my breath away.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: doctor, clean, creepy, weird
Are you a zoo, because you bring the animal out in me.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: corny, dirty, funny, weird
Wanna make a seafood palette? You bring your mussels back to my place and I'll show you my clam.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, dirty, weird
I wanna floss with your pubic hair.
I am going to punch you in the mouth with my own mouth softly because I like you.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: cute, corny, weird
Do you live on a chicken farm? [No] You sure know how to raise cocks.
Girl, I can sustain an objection for almost four hours.
75.03 % 25 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, creepy, weird
I am an organ donor, need anything?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: doctor, creepy, weird
Why don't we measure the coefficient of static friction between me and you?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, science, physics, weird
Are you a Jedi? Because I swear my lightsaber felt a disturbance in the force.
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines