Cute pick up lines

There's so much I want to say to you – but your beautiful eyes continue to interrupt me.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: clean, corny, cute
If beauty were a grain of sand, you'd be a million beaches.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: clean, corny, cute
Do you like porn? Would you be interested in watching porn on my flat screen mirror?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: tinder, corny, cute, dirty
1,000 painters working for 1,000 years could not create a beauty that equals you.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: corny, clean, cute
You're so hot. I'd better smother you with my body before you burst into flame!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute, dirty
My love for you is like the universe...Never-ending!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: clean, cute, science
Some say there are seven wonders in the world. Some say there are more. Some say everything in life is a wonder. But to me, there is only one...You!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute
Are you related to the sun? Because running into you just brightened up my day!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, corny, cute
Do you have some water? Because you set my heart on fire.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute
Wanna wear my hoodie?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: clean, corny, cute
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines