Corny pick up lines

What is the best compliment you've ever received so I know how to flatter you in the future?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cheesy, clean, corny
Will you marry me for just one night?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, dirty
Baby, you're the next contestant in the game of love.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: corny, funny
Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
I must be a crank cuz I'm crazy for you.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, corny
You can pee on my fire hydrant all night long.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: dog, corny, funny
Are you interested in seeing the "North Pole"?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: christmas, corny, corny
Swear to drunk I'm not God...just intoxicated by you.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: tinder, corny
I have been warming up for our sex sessions.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: corny, dirty
I wonder what you taste like.
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines