Cheesy pick up lines

Liquor is not the only hard thing around here, girl.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, creepy, dirty
Are you a Kelly, a Michelle, or a Beyoncé?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cheesy
Hey, hide this in your purse for me.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny
I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, clean
If I had a dollar for every chick I'd seen as hot as you...I'd have one dollar!
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute
I have to say I come here a lot and I've never seen anyone as stunning as you here.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean
[Pretend to read your hand, do so quite poorly] What is a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, corny
(Take a photo of her) I want to show my mom what my next girlfriend looks like.
Are you a tamale? 'Cause you're hot.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny
I'm alien, can I probe you?
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, weird
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines