Lawyer pick up lines

I love you beyond a reasonable doubt.
75.78 % 32 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, clean, corny
I've got a precedent that's long and deep.
75.75 % 12 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, corny, dirty
Is your estate subject to open?
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, corny, dirty
Girl, your motion for habeas corpus has been granted. Now bring that body over here.
Being that cute is a crime. Don't worry, I'm going to be a lawyer. I'll get you off.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, clean, cute, cheesy
Hey Girl! I'm a lawyer. Call me when you want to get a divorce.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, inappropriate
I finished law school and I'm not in debt.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, funny
I'm going to sue the pants off you.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, cheesy, dirty, funny
You want to approach the bench and badger my witness?
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, cheesy, corny, dirty
How about coming back to my place for a little actus reus?
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: lawyer, corny, dirty
Pick up lines for

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