Engineering pick up lines

Do you like to be the numerator or the denominator?
74.15 % 24 votes
Pick up line: engineering, cheesy, cute
You make my software turn into hardware!
Is your name wifi? Cause I feel a connection.
74.12 % 11 votes
Pick up line: engineering, funny, nerdy
Nice set of parabolas!
If you tried to free me from your allocated memory I'd become a dangling pointer because girl, I'll never stop writing to you.
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: engineering, corny, creepy
You're like the resolution on an expensive scanner...very fiiine.
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: engineering, corny, clean, cute
Baby, you're the only accept state of my finite automaton.
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: engineering, clean
Baby, you overclock my processor.
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: engineering, clean, cute
You set my heart on.
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: engineering, clean, cute, nerdy
Hey Baby, wanna come back to my lab and work with my microprocessor?
73.02 % 17 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, engineering
Pick up lines for

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