Science pick up lines

Hey baby, your phasers must be set to stunning.
I have a Mac and an iPhone.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, funny, nerdy, science
Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, nerdy, science
Ay girl, You must be exothermic, because I think you're hot.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: science, clean, cheesy
Baby you must be made of mica rock because you have perfect cleavage.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: science, clean, corny
Baby, you make me weak in the knees! Just kidding. Yesterday was leg day!
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: science, corny
My love for you is like pi... never ending.
78.20 % 22 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, math, science, cute
Are you sitting on the F5 key? Cause your ass is refreshing.
78.20 % 22 votes
Pick up line: science, corny, dirty, funny, nerdy
If beauty were sunlight, you'd shine from a million light-years away.
78.20 % 22 votes
Pick up line: science, physics, clean
You are like a proton in my core - without you I could never be the same.
78.20 % 22 votes
Pick up line: corny, cute, science, nerdy, physics
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