Dog pick up lines

Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day with a frisbee in your mouth.
82.41 % 18 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy, corny, funny
Whoa! Look at THOSE puppies!!
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy, clean
I am looking for a leash-free relationship.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, clean, corny
You smell so familiar.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, corny, cheesy
With the size of your paws, you can mark my territory any day of the week.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy, clean, corny
You came back to this dog park to see me, didn't you?
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy, clean
Since chocolate is toxic to me, how 'bout a little sugar?
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy
I love seafood, and your breath smells like crab cakes.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, corny, funny
I want to have your litter of puppies.
78.47 % 14 votes
Pick up line: dog, clean, cute
I must be a Dog Tick, because I'm stuck on you.
77.19 % 13 votes
Pick up line: dog, cheesy, corny
Pick up lines for

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