Music pick up lines

Lets go into the practice room and work on our tonguing, fingering and lip slurs.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute, dirty
Hey baby...I wouldn't mind you being a dominant 7th chord. I could just resolve you all night long!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, corny
Are you a baritone? Because I'd like to get to 1st bass with you.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, corny
Is that a fugue I can hear? Because we're about to get entangled.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute
If you were an oboe, I'd be the only one who could play you correctly.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, corny, clean, cute
Trombones can do seven positions, and baby, my favourite's on the floor.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, dirty
Slow down girl, you're giving me a woodwind.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, corny, dirty
I'm a fermata, hold me.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music
Hey baby, are you a C Major Scale? Because you look all natural to me.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy
Hey baby, my name is Legato. You know why? Because I'm smooth.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, corny
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines