Anime pick up lines

Baby, come with me and you'll be Going Merry.
72.25 % 10 votes
Pick up line: anime, clean
I'm like a potato - you can do me any way you'd like.
72.18 % 22 votes
Pick up line: anime, corny, dirty
I'd perform a human transmutation to see you one last time.
71.93 % 32 votes
Pick up line: anime, clean, corny
Is your name Cana? Um, Cana call you mine?
71.67 % 16 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy
Hey sweetie, they call me "White Lightning." Care to find out why?
71.67 % 16 votes
Pick up line: anime, corny
Are you from Howl's Moving Castle? Because you take my spirit away.
71.67 % 16 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy, clean
Why don't we go back to my place and find my Dragonballs?
71.67 % 16 votes
Pick up line: anime, corny, dirty
Are you a tuner monster? Because you're powering up my Syncro.
71.67 % 16 votes
Pick up line: anime, corny
My extensive Master Grade Gunpla collection is just proof of my magic fingers.
71.09 % 21 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy, corny, dirty
I came over because I notice your chakra use is limited, and well let's just say I really know how to get your chakra flowing.
71.09 % 21 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy, clean
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines