Physics pick up lines

I'm so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force.
You know.. it's not the length of the vector that counts... it's how you apply the force.
77.04 % 34 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, dirty, physics, cheesy
Baby you've definitely got potential, my place would be a great place to convert it to kinetic.
76.63 % 27 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, physics
When you and me get together it's like superposition of 2 waves in phase.
76.63 % 27 votes
Pick up line: cute, nerdy, science, physics
Hey girl, did we just share electrons? Because I'm feeling a covalent bond between us.
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, physics, corny
My last partner wasn't very stable. She spontaneously decayed last week and left me for a neutrino.
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: physics, science
Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you.
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, cute, clean, physics
According to the second law of thermodynamics, you're supposed to share your hotness with me.
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, nerdy, physics
Excuse me, I am really attracted to you and according to Newton's Laws of Gravitation, you're attracted to me, too.
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: science, physics, nerdy, corny
Hey baby if I supply the voltage and you a little resistance, imagine the current we can make together. (V=IR => (V/R)=I)
76.39 % 20 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, physics, science
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