Cute pick up lines

Want to make some parallel motion back to my place?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute, dirty
Our bitonal tendencies only augment our contrary motions baby.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute
Lets go into the practice room and work on our tonguing, fingering and lip slurs.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute, dirty
Is your daddy a baker? Because you're sweet as hell!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute
Is that a fugue I can hear? Because we're about to get entangled.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, cheesy, cute
If you were an oboe, I'd be the only one who could play you correctly.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: music, corny, clean, cute
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Why/why not?
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cute
Roses are #ff0000, violets are #0000ff, all my base are belong to you.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: nerdy, cute
You look exactly like my future ex-wife.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute, corny
What's that on your face? Oh, must just be beauty. Here, let me get it off. Hey it'not coming off!
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, cute, clean, funny, weird
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines