Clean pick up lines

Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!
63.96 % 20 votes
Pick up line: clean, cute, nerdy, math
They call me "The Truth," because quite frankly, people just can't handle me.
63.96 % 20 votes
Pick up line: clean
If you and I were the last men on earth, I bet we could do it in public.
63.72 % 31 votes
Pick up line: dirty, clean, corny
You look like the morning sun after a long night of darkness.
62.86 % 23 votes
Pick up line: clean, cute
I'd like to be reincarnated as one of your tears, because I'd be born in your eyes, live on your face, and die on your lips.
62.26 % 11 votes
Pick up line: cute, cheesy, clean
I like you, you like me. Let's get together and not make a family.
62.15 % 105 votes
Pick up line: clean, funny
Hi, did your license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?
61.61 % 29 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute
Be the tsun to my dere.
61.48 % 22 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy, clean
If you were a soccer ball, I'd never shoot. Because I would always miss you.
61.42 % 85 votes
Pick up line: soccer, football, cheesy, clean
Follow me on Instagram? (Jk I just wanted to stalk your selfies)
60.78 % 18 votes
Pick up line: tinder, cheesy, clean, funny
Pick up lines for

Special pick up lines