Cheesy pick up lines

Ever notice how "End of Evangelion" and "Let's Get It On" rhyme?
58.97 % 17 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy, corny
Ooh, has anyone ever told you that you look just like Kirito?
58.97 % 17 votes
Pick up line: anime, cheesy
Hey baby, why don't you and me go somewhere nice and pass the Bechdel Test together?
58.89 % 68 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, clean, cute, nerdy
You have nice titties.
58.01 % 147 votes
Pick up line: clean, cheesy, dirty
Oh, you're straights. So is spaghetti until it gets hot.
57.81 % 141 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, dirty, funny
Are you Eric Sogard because there's no way I'd ever forget you.
57.76 % 13 votes
Pick up line: baseball, cheesy, clean, corny
If you were a baseball mit, would you catch my fly balls?
57.76 % 13 votes
Pick up line: baseball, cheesy
Did you know I'm the Ronaldo of lovers?
57.02 % 37 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, soccer
I like to practice some of my penalty kicks with you.
57.02 % 37 votes
Pick up line: soccer, football, cheesy, corny
Do you play volleyball? Because you look like your good on ur knees!
Pick up lines for

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