Biology pick up lines

Do you want to extract some protein from my column?
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: corny, dirty, nerdy, biology
You must be the one for me, since my selectively permeable membrane let you through.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: corny, biology, nerdy, weird
You give me more jolt than a mitochondria!
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: corny, biology, nerdy
Do you like Science? Cause tonight your gonna sample my DNA.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, nerdy, biology, science
Hey baby, why don't you get your ligase working on my okazaki fragment and lengthen my strand.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: biology
Let's work out our orbicularis oris muscles together!
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: cute, nerdy, biology
Two large masses that are close together are supposed to radiate gravitational waves. I think that you're a big part of that.
75.36 % 19 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, nerdy, biology
Hey Girl, Do you love water? That means you love 80% of me!
If I were a neurotransmitter, I would be dopamine so I could activate your reward pathway.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cheesy, corny, nerdy, biology
I want to stick to u like glue-cose.
74.24 % 18 votes
Pick up line: cute, weird, nerdy, biology, science
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